Author - Swissgrow Editor Agronomist

Biostimulants – Humic and Fulvic Acids

Final products that are formed due to decomposition of dead biomass in the soil are humic substances and these substances are the most natural substances on earth. The main tasks of humic substances include controlling nutrient status of the soil, overseeing the exchange of carbon and oxygen between soil and atmosphere, converting toxic chemicals by breaking them down and...

Points to Consider in Apple Harvest

Apple is the most widely produced and traded fruit in the world after bananas. Due to their variety richness, harvest time is spread over a wide time frame. While early varieties begin to mature as of June, varieties such as Pink Lady stand out with their harvesting time stretching till November. Moreover, apple is one of the rare fruit...

Calcium Fertilization

Plant nutrients are classified in two: macro elements that plants need more and micro elements that they need relatively less. Calcium is one of the macro elements that plants need more. Calcium is the essential component of the cell wall in plants. In the presence of enough calcium, plants become more resistant to disease and pests as the cell wall...

Concepts of Nutrient Uptake and Removal in Plant Nutrition

The amount of nutrients that plants remove from the soil during development period is expressed as the amount of nutrients taken. Some of these nutrients can be reused either by storing them in the plant or by mixing plant parts into the soil, while some of them can be removed irreversibly with harvested fruits or plant parts removed from...

How Effective Is Foliar Fertilization?

Roots are the organs of plants through which they receive essential nutrients. However, nutrient uptake also occurs through certain proportions of the surface parts (leaf, trunk, ovules, etc.). The highest nutrient uptake in the above-ground organs occurs through leaves. The surfaces of leaves are covered with a waxy layer. While the leaf is dry, it is not possible for nutrients...

What is Fertigation? What are the Pros and Cons?

What is Fertigation? What are the Pros and Cons? New technologies in irrigation methods have brought some conveniences and innovations in the application of fertilizers. For example, drip irrigation system has become an indispensable part of modern agricultural production. This system has provided the opportunity for the fertilisers to be administered with irrigation water. In this so-called “fertigation” method, water-soluble...

Biostimulants – Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are one of the most important parts of biochemistry. Amino acids play an active role in many mechanisms in the metabolism of a living. For this reason, they have an important place in the life of every living thing; from the simplest microorganisms to the most complex plants and animals. Plants...